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Prize Days - Sage Foundation - Code Your Career Dreams

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Prize giving for our #SageFoundation sponsored careers and coding programme. Prizes were different ways for them to express themselves, learn, and be inspired. From the Black Panther DVD to books, to journals to write and develop their ideas, to @scisuperheroes posters, and even Raspberry Pi computers. Great job guys, keep it up over the break! Of course relax and decompress but also make some goals, and work to achieve them. #sage #kidswhocode #scratchafrica #scratchcoding #chesterville031 #durban #ethekwini #catomanor #corporaresocialinvestment

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Prize giving at Hunt Road Secondary for our #SageFoundation careers and coding project. Nicole was the grand prize winner for a project on her aspirations to be a mixed martial arts fighter! She and two other learners won #RaspberryPi low-cost high-awesome computers with screens donated by @derivco Congratulations to all! Projects to be posted soon. . Big thanks to Wandile and Mandisi for all the support to learners, schlepping of computers, encouraging, advising, and making this happen. . . #sage #kidswhocode #creativecoding #codetolearn #scratchcoding #scratchafrica #derivco

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